As it turns out, there is a lot that we can do without acupuncture. Not everything, but a lot. Acupressure, moxabustion, and dietary therapy can be used. Herbs and supplements can be a huge ally, of course. For some types of pain, you can learn how to use self-treatment at home with modalities such as cupping. We will also have a few online offerings in a group setting coming up at Thrive, such as donation based meditation sessions. If you have quick questions, I’m also available via email at This service is for GA and CA residents only.
Here are some examples of what we can cover in a telemedicine meeting. In many cases, monthly meetings are appropriate. Herbs, supplements, and moxabustion will be available for porch pick up in Athens or can be shipped to you.
Anxiety, Insomnia, PMS, Digestive complaints
- Intake with health history and tongue diagnosis
- Treatment plan may include acupressure, moxabustion, herbs, and dietary and lifestyle suggestions
- Meditation and/or qigong exercises
- Intake with health history, tongue diagnosis, review of western labs including blood work
- Basal Body temperature charting to inform herbal prescription and track progress
- Detailed, phasic herbs for fertility optimization.
- Specialized treatment plans to support those with PCOS, endometriosis, unexplained infertility as well as those planning to use IVF or IUI
- Acupressure or moxabustion education for at home treatment if needed
- Review of online resources
- Intake with health history and diagnosis
- Acupressure and lifestyle recommendations for nausea and fatigue (this can be an abbreviated visit please inquire)
- Miscarriage support - before, during, and during the postpartum time.
- Supportive therapy for Gestational diabetes and preeclampsia focusing on diet, lifestyle, exercise, and herbs (if you like).
- Moxa for breech – Partners Invited! – the earlier the better. If you are 34 weeks and breech don’t wait.
- Labor prep from 36 weeks – Partners Invited! Acupressure has been reported to reduce pain during labor by 50%
- Postpartum support is always recommended during the first 4 -12 weeks postpartum. Especially while healing from birth including excessive blood loss, constipation, insufficient lactation and more. Herbs, acupressure, and moxa.
- Intake with health history and tongue diagnosis
- What do you want to work on? We can use any of the modalities available to us that are most appropriate. Acupressure, moxa, herbs, lifestyle, diet, etc.
- The herbal medicine that I practice is not one-size-fits-all and I use different herbs for different people and at different stages of disease including prevention, early stage viral disease, and recovery from cold and flu.
- Online resources, if desired.