The Society for Integrative Oncology's conference acupuncture was the most thoroughly covered of the therapies represented and is now used alongside conventional medicine in many hospitals and cancer centers across the country and the world. It was specifically highlighted for it's ability to help reduce pain and potentially reduce opioid use. In the world of cancer treatment, pain can be caused by the cancer itself, but we often see it as a side effect of the treatment. Regular acupuncture treatments have been shown to improve specific types of pain, such as that associated with in aromatase inhibitor induced arthralgia (AIIA) and chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). In fact, the National Cancer Institutes recommends the use of acupuncture for pain, nausea, fatigue, palliative care, and survivorship.
Ashley Kissinger, L.Ac., is a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology She provides supportive care in Athens, GA. If you have questions about how acupuncture may be helpful for you, please schedule a complimentary phone consultation here or call (706)850-2000.
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